Another Reading List

Jun. 25, 2012

More books to add to the “University of life” course list

More books to add to the “University of life” course list. From top to bottom: I picked up “Generation X” for 50p in a charity shop in Tintagel. “Everything Is Going To Be OK” is a picture book full of inspirational mottos. “The Happiness Hypothesis” is the most useful and interesting book that I have read in a long while. I decided to read “How To Write A Sentence” as an alternative to Strunk and White’s “The Elements Of Style” which, while useful, can be a little stuffy! “The Marriage Plot” is a novel with interesting reviews, it was also (ahem) well-priced. After love I decided to go after music as something else I wanted to read about, hence “The Music Instinct” which comes highly recommended. “The Gifts Of Imperfection” is a manifesto for embracing life in a wholehearted way. And “Gonzo”? Well, I have written about that one already.

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