
Jun. 16, 2017

It can be a struggle to keep writing. I’ve found this happened a lot since I moved the blog. First, there was the business of moving things over. That meant a lot of thought about old posts and which ones I should keep. A lot of the time I thought “how on earth did I have time to write this?!”

Then there seemed to be a lot more barriers to writing than previously. We can say what we like about the machinery that WordPress runs on, it does make it easy to write regularly. It also provides a lot of tools for making writing fun and for learning things as you go. I still have access to those things but it’s a little different now.

And of course, with it coming up for a year of living with Ingrid it just so happens that my creative outlets are a little different now. Our creative outlets. And they haven’t changed that much anyway. We cook. We visit places. We talk about culture and politics. It just seems more fun to do than to reflect. As I said, a different form of creativity.

And then it also goes without saying that the world continues apace, producing all sorts of interesting, strange, and terrible happenings. Things that I don’t feel that confident writing about. It can be quite hard to put a pin in it and not write about certain events. I know I’m not qualified to offer opinions on most things, but one of the reasons that I write is to understand what’s going on in and around me.

Of course, I managed to write about the election. I guess that story came to me and it felt right to tell it. But there’s lots of other stuff that I need to get around to. About work. About life. About music. About computers. All kinds of stuff. I feel like it will all tumble out eventually: this is just the start. It’s very exciting, even if a little daunting.

Of course, creativity manifests itself in many ways. Even if you do something like the dishes in new way that can be fun can’t it? And as for all the rest, I will try to write more and I will try to do more that is worthy of report. Work and my MSc have felt like a bit of a grind at times but I’m now resolved to trying to inject a bit of fun and creativity in there too.

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