Into February

Feb. 1, 2025

Having made it to one post per day in January, we now move into February: that graveyard of good habits for the new year. What is it about flipping over the calendar to a new month that does away with our resolve to continue with our resolutions? My office calendar has a lovely picture of a German steam train in the snow, in case you were wondering.

I’m going to reward myself at some point by allowing myself to fiddle with the blog’s theme a little more. Over the years, I’ve probably fiddled more with how the blog looks, rather than focussing on what to write. I’ve also turned on Hugo’s related posts module. The results are pretty high quality and it doesn’t seem to affect the build time of the site. A custom version is still a pet project for the future though.

I started January with ten posts for albums of the year but for 2023’s albums I included iframe elements that embedded the albums from Apple Music and Spotify. Unfortunately, Hugo doesn’t like these too much and so I will also change it so that my markdown will allow these iframes. I’ll demo it working with an embedded video or something in the next week or so.

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