The new look mattischrome

Aug. 5, 2024

Welcome to the new look for my blog. I’ve had my eye on a more minimal look for a while now. Whether this new look is successful or not depends on how often I write new posts. To that end, this theme also supports a separate (or almost separate) stream of photos. Once I’ve got back in to the habit of putting photos up, that should be a nice additional stream of content.

So this blog now uses the Hugo console theme and it uses Terminal.css. I have tweaked it in a few ways, including a swanky tag page that has given me a big list of orphan tags (e.g. those used only once) to try and write new posts with. Longer term, I intend to borrow the structure and further expand it, while using Tailwind CSS for more styling. I’ve already started trying to do that, but I wanted to get this version up on Netlify to check whether all the structural stuff works.

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