TIL: footnotes in Latex captions

Feb. 8, 2022

Today I had an interesting bug in some Latex code I am writing. Putting a footnote into a caption caused the document to fail compilation. The problem was that this document doesn’t use a table of figures at the start, so I hadn’t thought to include a short summary caption. Apparently the curly brace in the footnote command does not sit well with that, even if you aren’t using a list or table of figures in your document. The solution is simple, as long as the footnote isn’t crucial to the list of tables!

Instead of:

\caption{This is my caption\footnote{And for some reason it needs a footnote}}

Do this:

\caption[This is my caption and there definitely aren't any footnotes you need to worry about]{This is my caption\footnote{And for some reason it needs a footnote}}
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