Feb. 7, 2025
The problem with keeping up a blog streak for however many days it is now is that you don’t actually get a huge amount of time to think of ideas for posts and actually write them. Ironically, I’ve been thinking about this post for a while though.
I’ve become very aware that I’m dredging up posts from old drafts or old notes and not really adding much to them. Sometimes, when I’ve decided what to write in advance, a lot of ideas circle within my head right up until it’s time to write… and then nothing.
Still, the streak is now driving me onwards. It’s motivating me to think about what else I could be doing to make the writing of daily posts a little bit easier. I do have a stack of prompts in my drawer, albeit for a rather staid and academic set of posts. I need to sit down with that and figure out the gamut of posts that I can write. It’s a list I have had for quite some time now, so I probably need to refresh it.
The trouble is, I’ve always been a “some day” kind of guy. At least until I wasn’t. I am as surprised as anyone that I went around South America, that I got married, that I managed to buy a house (I think the key to the latter two is that I am part of a super-ace team). But at least now I have a streak to support!
I think the key to it will be to have a few brainstorming sessions before writing a post. Another idea would be to write out the basic structure of a post in the morning and then come back to it later in the day. The last couple of days it has got to 10pm and I’ve gone “oh heck what’s today’s post”, which is not very sustainable.
I am pleased to have got started. That’s always the hardest part, and it’s true whether you’re writing every day or every month. Whatever the deadline happens to be, it always rolls around soon enough. And then the next hardest part is to keep going. So let’s see if I can figure that out too.